Monday, October 26, 2015

My name is Ann and I'm extremely distracted.

4 years ago I moved into a house whose previous owner had painted every wall a different color.

A bright purple bathroom.
A tangerine bathroom.
One dark brown living room wall, one tan living room wall, one khaki colored living room wall.
A red and tan dining room.
A pink and purple bedroom… you get it.

I hated it. But it was the middle of winter.
I made it very clear I didn't like the color choices, and I assured all our visitors that I had every intention of changing them… someday. This year... I decided I would actually do something about it.

I spent 3 days on the internet researching and creating a plan. The plan was…renovate everything.

Aside from knocking down walls, I basically want to change every. single. thing.

Maybe I took on too much?

The 3 days of "researching" led me astray from DIY websites…. several times.

Did I mention I'm easily distracted?

According to all my peripheral research... I was also made well aware that in addition to putting off home reno projects... I haven't written a best selling novel, recorded a best selling album, broken any sports records, made a million dollars or even made another person… and that's just the accomplishment list of the 25 and under crowd… You know…the people who have managed to be on this earth YEARS fewer than I have, and still maximized their time and talents more than I have.
oy yoy yoy.
So, renovating everything in my house... didn't seem like "too much".

I started the actual "doing" of home renovation projects (the hardest part) in August.
I made the mistake of sharing this with the world via Facebook.

"How are the home projects coming along?" everyone asks…

(Well...It's October, almost November and I have exactly one project done. ONE. And that's only because it was painting the kitchen cabinets. It's amazing what cutting off a food supply can accomplish. )

So as the great movie of Spaceballs so eloquently stated...

"We ain't (done) shit…"

*insert sigh of deflation

But as I scolded myself and looked at the calendar wondering how once again I was falling short of my uber talented peers… I found reasons (some excuses). I found pictures. I found that.. life happened.

I kept apologizing for the scaffolding in my living room, and the state of disarray that my friends had to endure when they visited.

But looking back at the last couple of "unproductive" months… I realized that... I might as well make a blanket apology for the scaffolding, and the disarray.

I'm not that talented, or driven to get these home projects complete because I'm highly distracted by life.
I have no idea when all my ideas and projects will be done because I have no idea what might pop in life that will distract me (for the better or for the worse) and that's just the way it is… ha

I mean… if the zombie apocalypse happens tomorrow, let's be honest... no one will care about my flooring choice, or the colors on my wall. But… they will care that I own a crossbow... because I binge watched Darryl Dixon using it like a pro on the Walking Dead… and then I went and bought one.

So... that's another day on the calendar that my home reno projects didn't see any progress… on the flip side… my survival kit is coming along nicely… and there's always tomorrow.

…And so it goes.

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